söndag 7 februari 2010

Goal for 2010...

... we decided last year to participate in 505 World Championship 2010!!

A wild chance and fun opportunity to meet other people who are sailing 505, and a big challenge for us! The World Championship will be held in Århus in Denmark, 25 th of July - 5th of August..

That make it about 24 weeks to go.. It's both nervous and exciting to realise and we look forward to sail in a competition that is so huge.

We started this blog to help us (I guess mainly me, the crew-member), to prepare for this big challenge!

So what is a 505? I guess you already have a clue that it is a sailing boat. It is actually a two-crew-dinghy that is 5.05 meters and have way too much sail area :)

Hope you sail by and read a few lines about our preparations for the competition..

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